Another Face Of "Kashi"

 The Dark Side of "Kashi"  


All things have two sides.
The one let people see, and the we don't.

By Vinayak Agrahari
18 July 2023

Famous Red Light Area

Hello , user today we will see the unseen truth of Kashi , like we have known Kashi , the oldest holy city in the world . And we also known that everything has two sides. Similarly , Kashi  city also have two aspects of its own. So, lets begin the untold story of Banaras (Kashi).

As we consider Kashi as "The door of salvation even today. Man dies everywhere & attains salvation in Kashi".
In Kashi every morning also happen by worshiping God & work also ends by worshiping god. But as I said in the beginning that everything has two sides , similarly Kashi also has another. And that aspect is "Prostitution" The Red Light Area of Kashi .

Yes, the is also one aspect of it and it is located at "Shivdaspur" which is near Manduadih Station. Even today prostitution is going on here & people come. Before going more deep about this , let me know you why in Kashi & many different cities have prostitution work near (railway station ,bus station, airport) only ? 
The main reason for this is because in earlier times , when people used to travel from one city to another , they definitely used to go to the red light area. That's why the main reason for this is that even today the red light areas which are there i.e. the work done by that committee is still lives near , all station.

Before of this, the first thing we were talking about was that Shivdaspur i.e. which today wants to be known as the Banaras Station , prostitution is still there. 

This story is about a prostitute women that she tell how society treats her & her daughter , she narrates how she gave up prostitution work and started doing hard work for her daughter's better future from the society. And she took this decision when her daughter was 4yr old. Because, like every mother wishes for good future for her child she also feel same. But how can our society see a prostitution women moving forward. When she took her daughter to school, she used to tell about herself for her admission. They used to expel him by saying that, "the daughter of a prostitute wouldn't  become a doctor , police officer, engineer will only become a prostitute". Then after two years difficulty one day she got help from an NGO (Non Government Organization) & then whether mother is a prostitute or a household , she is a mother !
From that day she did not look back & today her daughter is working in a famous news channel and she & her daughter is leading a respectable life.)

"Not every woman is a prostitute, but prostitution 
is the natural apotheosis of the feminine attitude" Georges Bataille
The issue is not that even today prostitution is done in Banaras because, prostitution has been going on for countries & we are the ones who started it & if we want we can end it.
But our society looks at it from a low perspective. In today's fast life we have forgotten that "The society is from us, we are not from the society". After all ,we have become desensitized. 

My Experience : When I went to shivdaspur red light area for the first time I saw that where in Kashi people say that no one sleep hungry but the atmosphere of here is totally different. I could hear the pain in the silence of here. I was there for 25 min to 30 min just standing in one place and try to feel because the aura , vibe of this place was totally different as the place is trying to tell us that how small & fallen are we even today.
Because, on one side  Banaras i.e. Kashi sparkling everywhere , lighting is happening , international sport stadium is being built, a wide road is being built, lakh of people come & visit Banaras everyday. Then why is Shivdaspur near Banaras station is prostitution women live , government not doing anything for their livelihood.
Don't they have the right to live in a good houses, road , education & many things .

"What they are not part of our society " 
All I want to say is that prostitutes also have life that too like us how can they be different from us !. So, we are moving forward, our city is moving forward, so should half the people of city be left behind why should their children not be educated like our children ahead.

I known that many people will feel bad about this, This was the intention of my writing "that person changes not by his clothes, not by his food, not by his living , but by his mentality". 

After all how can we call ourselves educated ?
Because , the mentality of those who are educated is not so small , then we need to increase our mentality & we have to work that we can show our face to the coming generation to the coming society after all we talk about Women Empowerment, If India will read then India will grow , save daughter educate daughter, but we are of all small mind set. 

If anyone got hurt or felt the anger then all I wait from you is to keep the same anger burning within you, because the time you will experience it  by yourself from then on you will need your inner fire. 

Thank you everyone for taking out your valuable time to read my blog, I hope you have understood this.


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  1. The framework with the words is great. Very well written, keep up!


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